Sunday, September 23, 2012

Temporary Hiatus

Sorry Guys :(
I have lots of stuff to do and I can't find any topics for this blog.
I'll be back someday.

Grapetastic Pop

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Good Point Grapey.

I haven't been here for a looooonnnggg time haven't I? :) 

Im mostly admin for 

etc etc... 

Wow that's a lot -_ - 

So how ya guys doing? 

- Mango AKA The Yellow Smartie AKA Sunshine Mango Blast 

Saturday, May 12, 2012

Well, I found it under the couch, SO IT'S BACK!

WHATSUP DUDES? Did you have a good new year?
We'll have new posts soon :)

Sorry for the wait, but we'll blow your socks off!

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Best and Worst Things in Life

 Hey, Grapey here!

I'm going to list all those 'moments', just because I feel like it and plus, people like reading this stuff. So anyway, hope ya'll enjoy! DRAT my toe (hit in on the chair!) I hate it when that happens!

Best Things
1. Catching a legendary Pokemon without a Master Ball
2. Finding awesome stuff under the couch that you didn't know you had
3. Going over speed bumps while sitting at the back of a bus.
4. Guessing all the answers right on a multiple choice test
5. When babies smile or talk to you (cuteness explosion!)

Worst Things
1. Dead Ipod/Iphone
2.Stubbing your toe
3. Getting out of bed
4. Cold showers
5. When nobody laughs at your joke.

 Well, that's about it.
Hopefully I'll write soon

Saturday, September 17, 2011

The Future.....

Hey Dudes!

( That is the latest phrase in my head.... *Dudes*)

What's Shaking??

Anyway, Lets get straight to the point.
C.G and i have high expectations further along this tiresome road and they are really, exactly the same thing!  I mean seriously, who wouldn't call it the 'same thing' if we were meant to;

Pass A Scholarship Test ( stands for PAST btw.)
Get into an awesome HighSchool!!! ( Me private, C.G not so much.)
Get into an Awesome uni!!! ( same Uni... *YAY*)
And graduate as a Doctor...

It's really all the same. Everyone is expecting this as C.G and i are REALLY smart and we always tie top for everything. I mean it, i got home from tuition today and i got the three honour prizes with C.G.
Along the way, we had, and still have, these two epic friends Banana Peel and AnimeFreak with the exact same future as us. So in the end we decided to create a club called the ACCJ! You can assemble it any way you want but the meaning will still be the same. The club has the first letter of the members first name!
^_^ !!!! @-##--  ( excited and anticipated face with a rose.... *Just For You* <3 )

Basically that is our future, if your future is the same or similar, comment and we'll understand your position.

I guess we'll be seeing a lot of each other sooner or later......

Over and Out!!!

      The Yellow Smartie
    (aka sunshinemangoblast)

P.s. Listen to this song and show your friends!


Wednesday, September 14, 2011


Hey! This is our new blog. Grapetastic Pop here. Along with me, the other author of this blog is Sunshinemangoblast. Let me introduce ourselves...
This is sunshinemangoblast (C.K, on left) and grapetasticpop (C.G, the crazy one)
Sunshinemangoblast- This is the girl on the left. Her real initials are C.K. She's the older one of the two, being one year older than C.G. She's the more serious out of the duo. Sure, she's fun, but not CRAZY!!! A great person (woah...that was soppy!) and an avid player of the "don't think of purple penguin" game and "The Game." Also likes cookies, brownies, cake, chips and Korean dumplings.

Grapetastic Pop-This is the crazy, drunk looking girl on the right. But, she's not drunk...she's underage! Plus, she's just a bit loony...or hyper...or dizzy. She's the random one, and the hungry (?) one. She radiates (yeah love that words) epicness and enjoys chips, cake and all that fattening stuff because good food always is fattening, apart from avocados, because they're fattening and are gross (well, to offence to all those avocado lovers.)

This blog is all about the awesome, epic or maybe just needed to draw attention to issues that fly around Anyway, it WILL be a great blog...I can smell see foresee it! Check back soon for more awesomeness! Oh, and to get a taste of all the awesomeness radiating (yes...a great word) from our blog, I present to you... 
LOLLIPOP! to love Korean music, about lollipops...
Well, see you soon everybody!
Grapetastic Pop, signing out.